Proven Wazifa For Pregnancy Problems in 5 Ways
Wazifa For Pregnancy Problems or for safe pregnancy can be use for normal delivery. We will provide you wazifa for baby boy during pregnancy. Assalamualaikum readers, today we are back with some of the duas and wazifas. All of these will help you during your pregnancy. The next step after marriage is getting a baby. Having your baby is the most beautiful feeling in the world. But sometimes, couples face problems in having a baby.
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A woman finds a problem in giving birth to a child. The couples go to various doctors for the solution but find no result. They try every medicine and scientific treatment but still fails to have a baby. Moreover, they consult various maulvies and experts and try wazifas and taweez. Overall, they spend a lot of money as it is about their upcoming child. If you are among those couples, you need to read this article to eliminate all your pregnancy problems.
Wazifa For Pregnancy Problems
Here you will find wazifa for safe pregnancy, wazifa for normal delivery, and wazifa for baby boy during pregnancy. As recommended by Islam and Quraan, you must reach almighty Allah for all your problems. Concerning this, our verified wazifas will help you to get your beautiful baby.
Have a look at the Proven Wazifa For Pregnancy Problems in 5 Ways
1 – Wake up at night
2 – Make wazu
3 – Offer tahajud namaz
4 – Recite Rabbihab Leemillaa Doonka Zooriyaatan Taayibaatan Eenaka Saameeu Udooaayi
5 – Then recite Rabbihab Leeminnaa UswaaliheenÂ
On completing the process, pray to Allah to eliminate all your pregnancy problems. Pregnancy is the most delicate phase of a woman’s life, and a single problem can be dangerous. Be punctual to namaz and follow the steps unless your problem gets resolved.
Wazifa For Safe Pregnancy
Wazifa For Safe Pregnancy, Women yield a lot of pain during their pregnancy. With this occurs the chances of complexity. To save your child and yourself from any danger, you must try our wazifa for safe pregnancy. Â A lot of users have tried wazifa for safe pregnancy during their pregnancy period. And all of them got their child safely without any complexity.
Both a husband or a wife can perform the wazifa for safe pregnancy. It is difficult for a woman to practice wazifa during pregnancy. So, a husband should chant the wazifa instead of his wife. The wazifa for safe pregnancy ensures the health of a woman and her child. Well, for health issues, there are other duas and wazifas. So we recommend you focus on safety while practicing it.
Steps for wazifa for safe pregnancy
1 – Make wazu and offer fazir namaz
2 – Recite 99 names of Allah
3 – Then recite Bismillahill Laathi Laa Yaadhooru Maass Meehi Shaiyunn Fil Aardhi Waalaa Fis Saamaaiwaa Hoowaas Saami Ull Aleemm as many as time you can
4 – Blow on your tummy and pray to Allah for safe pregnancy
You need to follow the steps daily until the delivery gets completed. During the end months, a husband should try the wazifa for safe pregnancy. Allah will surely listen to you and bless your wife with safe pregnancy. Also, keep on consulting your doctor and follow a diet chart for your health. We hope you have a beautiful and lovely child.
Wazifa For Normal Delivery
Wazifa For Normal Delivery, Only a woman can experience pain and struggle while giving birth to her child. Every woman expects normal delivery and does not want an operation. To have a healthy and safe child, you must go for it. The powerful wazifa for normal delivery makes sure that you do not face any complexities during the delivery process. As the delivery times come closer, the woman gets worried and anxious.
It is a must for women to stay calm and happy during their pregnancy time. It is important because it impacts your upcoming child. For all these problems, a husband or a wife can try the wazifa for normal delivery. During the first pregnancy, the mother and father are concerned about the child’s health. So they try every possible method for normal delivery. Our wazifa for normal delivery is the perfect solution for a woman having her first child. We Will provide you quranic treatment for infertility for normal delivery.
Follow the given steps for wazifa for normal delivery.
1 – Practice it before a month of delivery
2 – Make wazu and wear clean clothes
3 – Take white paper and write Eedha Ass Saammu Anshakkat Waa Aadheenat Leerab Beeha Waa Hookkat Waa Eedha All Arrdu Moodat Waa Allkat Maa Feeha Waa Takkhaalat
4 – Make a taweez and tie it on the left thigh of the women
Daily pray to Allah for normal delivery, and he will bless you. Also, make sure to remove the taweez after the delivery. You can try wazifa every time you are pregnant.
Wazifa For Baby Boy During Pregnancy
Wazifa For Baby Boy During Pregnancy, Well, having a boy or girl as a child depends on Allah. But there are a few people who seek a boy child. There is nothing bad in it, but it only creates a sense of discrimination. However, the it can help you in having a boy child. If your intentions are pure and you want a boy for a purpose, you can easily practice the mentioned wazifa.
If you already have one or two girls as a child, you can try wazifa for baby boy during pregnancy. Having a boy is important as he takes care of his parents during their old age. At the same time, a girl gets married and goes to her in-law’s house. So for at least one boy, you are allowed to try it. But never be greedy while you practice the wazifa for baby boy during pregnancy. Allah always knows a person’s intentions and mindset, so be careful while performing the wazifa.
1 – Make wazu and offer namaz
2 – After namaz, recite Surah Teen as many time as you can
3 – Blow it in a glass of water and drink it
Start the wazifa before 40 days of delivery and follow it at the same time. In the meantime, keep also praying for your and your child’s health. For any issue, you are most welcome to contact our Islamic experts and scholars.
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