Powerful Dua For Sharp Mind And Memory
Dua For Sharp Mind And Memory
Dua For Sharp Mind And Memory, A sharp mind and a good memory are a pre-requisite to taste success in life. The sharpness of your mind helps you to pave out a way from all kinds of situation. Moreover, sharp mind helps you to analyze things better and take a decision that is good enough for you.
A good memory is equally important in this regards. Generally, you will find that the person with a sharp mind is also right in memory. This combo of sharpness of mind and memory is quite essential for you to maintain.
Dua For Sharp Mind And Memory
Especially during the earlier stages of your life, you need to have a sharp mind and good memory. Say for instance during the school-college phase and the starting phase of your career.
During your school-college phase, the requirement of sharp mind and memory is quite remarkable. The number of exams and the pressure to perform requires your mind to be in the pink of health.
Dua For Sharp Mind
Above all the cut-throat competition in all the domains necessitates the need for developing a sharp mind and memory. Without this, you would be left behind in the race. Furthermore, you would not be able to taste success for a long time.
Therefore the need to have your mind working in top notch can’t be denied in the present day scenario. However, this something you don’t have much of a control on. Say for instance that either you have a sharp mind and memory or you don’t.
If you have one, then it is well and good. In case you don’t then you start to feel low on yourself after a point of time. As a result, your mental and psychological balance gets affected.
Soon you start to feel that you are worthless. In this case, final thoughts like suicide also capture your mind. However, these extremes are never a solution. You can’t run away from the situation. You have to face it, that’s what life is.
However, what can you do develop a sharp mind and memory? It is something that’s beyond your range. Can you reverse the genetic build-up of your account? All these thoughts keep popping in your mind.
Dua For Sharp Memory
In the first place, you need to stop thinking about such things. You need to calm yourself and ask what am I the only one. Ask yourself this question. You would feel that you are not alone.
Many like you have faced issues due to lack of sharpness of mind and memory. The best part is that they have work on the development of sharpness and memory of their mind and have achieved the height of success.
Thus, you should also take inspiration before instead of feeling low. There can be many ways to develop the sharpness of mind and memory. However, your focus shall be on a sustainable one.
A method that brings quick results and is useful in the long run. The question that you might have is, does such a process exists in the first place? Can there be such a solution that is quick, sustainable and long-term effective?
Well, to your delight the answer is yes. Now Dua for sharp mind and memory is that solution. and Dua for a sharp mind and memory can help you develop a sharp mind and memory.
Dua For Sharp Brain
As a result of performing Dua for a sharp mind and memory, you would experience the difference. Dua for sharp mind and memory is pious Quranic method (Amal). Therefore the efficacy of it can’t be doubted.
Dua for sharp mind and memory would bring in holistic solutions. Before performing Dua for sharp mind and memory developing faith in it is a must. It’s only your faith that derives the energy of dua.
Together with faith and purity (of your mind) the dua can do wonders for the development of your mind. The earlier you start performing the dua, the earlier you would start seeing results.
Generally, Dua for sharp mind and memory brings desired results in a brief period. The dua, however, requires purity of heart and mind at your part. Since it is a pious method, these things become necessary.
If you feel difficulty in performing dua, then consult an astrologer. As a result of the consultation, all your doubts would get vanished. You can also ask the priest (Pujari) for this purpose. To ensure the efficacy of dua consultation is an important part.
Dua for development of your mind
Coupled with faith and dedication of your performance the dua brings in all-around comprehensive solutions to you. The working mechanism of dua ensures that the performer gets what he needs.
The Dua for sharp mind and memory merely works by:
- Bestowing you with God’s grace
- Helping you develop a memory for the right purpose
- Enhancing overall development of your mind
- Bringing calmness in your mind
- Creating a positive vibe around your body
- Relieving you from the effect of negative energy
- Bringing purity of heart and soul
Thus, the dua act as a one-stop solution for all the problems related to your mental growth. So, perform it with full dedication. The results would be on your side.
The process of the Dua for a sharp mind and memory
Adherence to the process of the dua is another key element in its performance. Without sticking to the method, you can’t derive desired results. To perform dua effectively, you need to the process in the first place.
For practical guidance in this regards, we have discussed the process of dua here. The process to perform Dua for a sharp mind and memory is as follows:
- To begin with, perform Wudu (Cleansing)
- Wear fresh cloth
- Sit in the place where you perform daily Namaz
- Now say: Bismillah hirRa’hmaan nirRa’heem
- After saying this inhale the air
- Now recite yaaaaaaaaa…….
- After this exhale the breath
- While exhaling wind say: seeeeeee.n
- Perform this process for at a minimum of 10 minutes
- Inhale and exhale air at your highest capacity
- After this recite:
“Allahumma la sahla illama ja-‘altahu
Sahla anta taj ‘alu al hazana eza ma
Shi’ta sahal”
- Recite this for 100 times in one go
Peace and prosperity would be upon you. Allah (Almighty) would bless you for the better.